We can’t help but let our passion for hearing care spill over into everything that we do. We love sharing important information from the world of audiology with our patients, and we always make sure to announce any exciting news and updates about our practice as soon as we can.

For example, it’s common for people who are unfamiliar with hearing aid technology to assume that all hearing aids are clunky, bulky, ugly or difficult to use. While this might have been true for your grandparents, this is no longer the case. In fact, we recently shared a review for the latest device from Oticon Opn, which is sleek and revolutionary to the world of audiology.

Of course, we also like to share online updates whenever we have big news or exciting changes happening in our practice. We have a special hearing test consultation offer live on our website now, so be sure to check it out.

Keep an eye on our news section for all of the latest and greatest happenings in the world of hearing health.